Friday, October 24, 2008

Riahman--the Ultimate Superhero (All Rights Reserved)

So my son is WAY into the whole superhero thing...He has a Superman costume, two Spiderman costumes, etc. etc. not to mention all the shirts and underwear that bear a superhero emblem. Any time he sees anything that might look like a superhero, I am bombarded by all sorts of questions. He asks me about heroes I've never even heard of from the Marvel Comic days...

One day he came in the front room doing all sorts of stunts and asking his sister to refer to him as "Riahman." After stifling all sorts of giggles, I finally asked him who Riahman was. "He is a superhero I made up." When I asked him what he could do I was told of all sorts of amazing feats: flying, shooting fire or ice, rescuing all sorts of animals and things and people with his super-strength, night vision, xray vision, super-speed and ability to climb walls and buildings.

"He can shoot stuff out of his arm."
"When he runs sometimes lights come on his hands and he can start shooting out of his fingers."
"He can break boxes" (huh?)
"He has a computer that he can type on so fast that he is done in one-second" (my personal favorite...probably has something to do with the hours I spend on the computer doing transcription)!
"He has animal friends that can fly and catch whatever he throws up in the air."
"He has a sidekick named Pokey."
"He has a walkie-talkie phone."

In his awesome imagination he has even designed his costume which "is blue and red and then black on his legs and then blue & red on his shoes again."

For weeks and weeks we heard of nothing but Riahman... things have calmed down a bit, but whenever I need my son to do anything he doesn't want to do, I call on his alter-ego Riahman to "save the day" who usually gets the job done, though admittedly not as thoroughly as my son would have. After all, Riahman has more important things to do than scrub a toilet!


The Beckstrom's said...

what a mind that boy has!!! I love it! I love watching kid's imaginations. Its so facinating and amazing!!

Riahman! I will have to remember that.

Chelsie said...

ha he is so funny! i love his imagination...he came up to me in the nursery tonight all proud and asked brandon if he knew who his dad was, brandon said yeah i like your dad, and he got so proud and walked away...too cute. what transcription stuff do you do on the computer?

Anonymous said...

What an awesome imagination!!! That is so cute! Can we call on Riahman when we need a superhero?!?

WildBound said...

Oh, wow. What he doesn;t yet realize, is hat he's a hero to everyone who uses that toilet. Love it!

Joy said...

I think Brandon must have been the same way as a kid. He still loves superhero's! Loved the singing yesterday! Reagan grabbing the mike was the greatest! Ryder's voice is getting more amazing every time I hear him!