Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kid's say the darndest things

So Princess Sunshine (formerly Little Lady) is drawing pictures in her new notebook and she says to Riahman (pronouced Ree-uh-mahn... formerly Little Man) , "Do you want me to draw a picture of you?
R: Uh... okay....
PS: Would you like me to make you handsome.
R: Uh...okay...
PS: Don't worry, I won't make you handsome like the prince though.
R: (sigh of relief) Oh, thank you.
PS: Oops, I drew your head like a pineapple.
R: That's okay, I like pineapple.
PS: Should I put handsome hair on it?

Then later while I was making breakfast, Riahman asks, "What are we having for breakfast?"
Mom: Cowboy pancakes.
P.S. : But I don't like cowboy pancakes.
R: (laughing hysterically and pointing mockingly at his sister) There aren't cowboys in the pancakes... It's just what the cowboys eat!!!!

Maybe the whole funniness doesn't translate well to blog, but I was laughing inside all morning at their logic!

Love my babies!!!


Kim-the-girl said...

Its still pretty funny on the blog! :o) So did the pineapple head get handsome hair- just not princely handsome hair?

Anonymous said...

Too cute!!! Life would be so much simpler if we could still get by on the logic of kids! Thanks for sharing!!!!

The Beckstrom's said...

Your kids are too funny! I can just hear her little lisp as she was saying."Prince" LOL!!! I love it. I need to listen better to my kids...Im sure they are just as silly.

Joy said...

Yep, I heard little, oh, whatever you call her on here, anyway, I heard her little voice speaking just as matter-of-factly as ever. She's a hoot.

And what's-his-name is already handsome! Who needs handsome hair?

WildBound said...

HAHA! funny kids. yum. Maybe we should have some kid pancakes.