Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Oh boy...

I wasn't too worried about things Tuesday afternoon right before Superman went into surgery. Because Cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) via laparoscopy is such a routine procedure, we decided I would just stay home with the kids and then come back to pick him up after Rhiaman got out of school. I just couldn't take it though... while I couldn't find anyone last minute who could take all three kids at once, I scrambled to find three different friends (thank you, thank you, thank you) who could each watch one child each, reassuring all involved that it would only be a couple of hours. I happened to get to the surgical area right before he went in, and got to kiss him and wish him luck. They told me my wait would be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. So, 30 minutes in they called my name and I walked up to the volunteer excited to go meet him. She whispered sympathetically, "They've run into some problems, it will probably be at least another hour, possibly longer."

Wow... so I started to get worried. I called his parents to let them know, sat down to watch t.v. and thankfully fell asleep. I woke up an hour later to my father-in-law waking me. He had come to wait with me and see what was happening. As timed ticked slowly on, I really did try to calm my nerves but just couldn't. I was making nervous conversation, eating my candy-coated peanuts and Symphony bar like it was going out of style looking for some sort of comfort.

Another hour went by and I realized that I was now past the "couple of hours" mark for my babysitters and called my mom hoping she was in town. Thankfully, she wasn't flying and was able to come up and be with the kids. Finally, they called my name and I about jumped out of my seat and sprinted to the desk... my father-in-law even kind of chuckled at it. Trying to appear calm when you've played every possible scenario in your head (no matter how minor the surgery) is hard to do!

**SURGICAL CONTENT WARNING***The surgeon sat down with us and told us all the nitty gritty goodness of Superman's very sickly gall bladder. Apparently Superman had had that kryptonite in his pocket longer than we had thought. He was REALLY sick. They had attempted laparoscopy a couple of different ways, tried all sorts of things to get to the gall bladder, but it was SO enflamed there was nothing left to do but open him up. Apparently, the gall bladder was about four times the size it should be, the lining in some of the areas was close to half-inch thick, and there were so many large gall stones that even the large 8-in incision wasn't big enough to get the stupid thing out. They finally had to dissect the gall bladder and pull it out in pieces!!! After irrigating his gut out to clear out all the sludge, they then sewed in a drain to let the gunk find its way safely out. They finished the patch job with 23 stunning staples across his belly!

After a 15-minute discussion with the surgeon, they told us which room he would be assigned to. Dad and I walked there and waited another two hours for him to get out of recovery. We called the worried family members and waited some more. Starving, we both shared another of the chocolate bars I had stashed in my purse while we watched "Dirty Jobs" as a very good distraction.

When they finally brought him in (5-1/2 hours after he went in for surgery), he was beyond groggy. The first thing he says as he realizes he is hooked up to machines and laying flat on his back in a hospital bed and room feeling like crap is, "Well, I guess I won't be going home tonight, eh?" Ummm, no.

The very next day, they wanted him to be up and walking. I completely understand the mechanics of it and reasons for it, but I cringed every time he had to move, let alone stand and walk! After three days of constant antibiotics to get his infection taken care of, two more days of pain control coupled with painful walking up and down hospital halls, he was finally able to be miserable at home not just the hospital.

The next day, Sunday was truly a day of "rest" because Monday was the "Opening Ceremonies" per se of the 2009 Legislative Session. And Superman, being the super man he is, was going to be there, no matter what. So with a wheelchair packed in the back of the car, kids strapped in their seatbelts, pain medication in our pockets, a doctor's blessing (so long as Superman was pushed all day in the wheelchair for a couple of weeks) and prayers in our hearts and on our lips, we braved the ice-covered roads running late (big surprise) to get there just in time to wheel him to his seat on the House floor as the meeting began.

When they swore in the Legislators, they did it in two groups: the re-elected Represensatives and then the newly elected Representatives. They asked the new group to come up front to be sworn in. After the prolonged moving of chairs and people was finished, a fellow-Legislator wheeled Superman up front. Speaker of the House then thankfully excused my hubby from standing... and it became ceremonially official! He is a Utah State Legislator for real! The camera was one of the things that was forgotten as we ran out the door, so I am awaiting pictures from the other newby Legislator's wives that graciously took pictures for us! As soon as I have them, I'll post them.

My mother-in-law was a saint to take off work to be there for support, and then take my kids for the day so I could be there to help Superman. No matter what I said, he just wouldn't go home. I tried to give him all sorts of good and sound reasons that going home would be a really good idea, but he always had a reason to stay just a few minutes longer. I hope he doesn't pay for it later. Mom had dinner waiting for us when we finally got to her house to pick up the kidlets. By time we got him home in bed, exhausted, it was 10:00.

All so he could wake up and do it again the next day... this time without us... so far so good.

Well, there you have it. The update. THE END.

p.s. Oh yeah, and for those who might not know, wheelchairs are heavy and awkward things to heft in and out of a car all by my girly self! There is probably an easier way to do it, I just haven't found it yet. Wish me luck!


WildBound said...

Oh yeah. Having a bit of flashbacks here. You are such a trooper. Go you!

BeautyFul said...

That's funny you would say that because when I saw his railroads tracks on his belly, I instantly thought of you and that xray!

Kim-the-girl said...

Whew! That makes me nervous for the day I have to get my gallbladder out, I'm certain I'm not as super as Superman! That is awesome that he's doing so well and so determined to get to work! He's gonna do such a great job (of course, you already know that)!

Paparazzi Boutique said...

So glad to read the update and find that eveything worked out in the end. Superman has a Superwoman by his side. Oh yeah!

The Smiths said...

Wow, that is crazy his gallbladder was so big and yucky. I would be flipping out just like you. I am so glad it all turned out okay. Good luck with the rest of the recovery! (I do agree that superman has superwoman by his side!)

Chelsie said...

holy cow you have had quite the week! i'm so sorry for you and superman! i hope everything is going ok, and if you need anything give me a call

Chelsie said...

holy cow you have had quite the week! i'm so sorry for you and superman! i hope everything is going ok, and if you need anything give me a call

Joy said...

You know, Superman would be nothing without his Superwife! You are amazing!

The Ray Reader said...

You are an amazing SUPER Family is all I gotta say!!!

Sabrina said...

Gary told us he saw Ryan in a wheelchair the other day and I was perplexed...so now the whole story comes out! What great timing!!! Were you guys at Mckay-Dee? I could've come for a visit and brought you more chocolate! Glad Ryan's feeling better- don't forget to rest yourself!

Chrystal said...

I am amazed at all you guys went through. I hope he and you are doing much better now. Look at all the 'experience' you've gained!